I'm Nicolas, Software Engineer based in Zurich.
Here you'll find some articles, videos and projects related to what I like: build systems, functional programming, making web apps, and more.

How to Set WebGL Shader Colors with CSS and JavaScript

WebGL Shader Template

Automatic tag-based article suggestions for blogs and Astro websites

Intro to building GCC and some other GNU projects (focus on macOS & Apple Silicon)

Lockfile trick: Package an npm project with Nix in 20 lines

Keep your Mac awake with caffeinate

Dragging, Resizing and Rotating HTML elements: Fun with Web Components and Math

NixCon Talk: An Overview of Language Support in Nix

Recovering Nix derivation attributes of runtime dependencies

Triggered CI Builds: Automatically Update your Project's Dependencies

The 5 Raisons d'Être of Testing

Easy Peasy Nix Versions

Hunt bugs down before they are merged!

cio: cached HTTP requests for a smooth Jupyter experience!

Automatically generated directories for individual tasty tests

Nix: A Reproducible Setup for Linux and macOS

A Fully Functional, Fully Functional Webapp

Stutter: the anti-grep

Haskell makefile library

Recovering forgotten passwords with stutter and GNU parallel

Lens and Linear, 2048's logic in 22 lines

Puzzle solving in Haskell